Saturday, 30 November 2013

Work-Life Balance...? New Teacher Priorities.

I wanted to do a different version of a poster I've had in my shop for a long time.  I love this quote and wanted more designs for it. :-)  Quote / Work / Life / DIGITAL Typography by ataglancegraphics, $10.00
Exhaustion vs enthusiasm seemed like the only appropriate title for this blog. Why? I don't know. Maybe it was because I wasn't feeling creative enough to come up with anything else due to the mental exhaustion I am currently experiencing. 

The last few weeks have been, to put it nicely, BLERGH! I received a 'sort-of' promotion in positions at my school (which was very exciting), had reports coming out of every bodily orifice, been organising performance troupes for various after-school events, preparing Drama students for important auditions, helping co-ordinate class arrangements for 2014 AND trying to have some sort of a social life.

The social life seems to be the area I am lacking with the exception of last weekend when I was able to go to The Blue Mountains with some friends from work for a girls weekend away. It was a lovely weekend I must admit! We had some fun with a dead possum named 'Nicholas' (named after our check-out dude from Woolies) which may or may not have involved the throwing of wine corks at his body and his supposed Mothers house. Random it was indeed-but fun, hell yes. It was very nice to be able to just completely switch off from work. I refused to check all work emails until the Sunday night and I must admit that it was a good feeling.

WAIT! Maybe I have just thought of a new title for this blog - 'Work-Life Balance...?'. That is much better! Thank you over-thinking brain-that definitely seems more appropriate. 

My 'work-life balance' is definitely out of whack. Other than that weekend away, I live and breathe school. Everyday I have been getting there from 7-7:30am and staying until 5pm then continuing work at home until 10ish - and that's a normal day! Two days this week I actually worked for 15hours straight on school grounds! Makes me annoyed when people think teachers have it easy. BUT don't worry I wont whinge on here about that. One interesting work event that I feel the need to discuss though was a recent text message I received from a colleague recently. I sent her a message because I was beginning to worry about her as she was looking very tired all the time. Her response to my text, was very unexpected. I'll paste it:
Displaying photo.JPG 
This message concerned me for a few reasons:
  1.  As IF I am not going to worry after reading that. It seems to me like the few enthusiastic younger teachers that begin in our profession jump right on in and volunteer for everything-or sometimes don't even volunteer but just get given extra jobs - MAINLY BECAUSE THE OLDER ONES JUST WON'T! I was the same but not everyone can cope and it concerns me that this might be the reason why the expected new teacher career length is now only 3 years before moving to another profession.
  2. Why did I leave it so long to message her? Obviously this has been building over the entire year and it's very concerning that she is only in her first year of Teaching and is already feeling overwhelmed. Being still reasonably new, why didn't I notice earlier and help before it got to this stage? And more importantly, why didn't the older teachers or members of staff notice and say something?
  3. Whilst I am flattered she thinks I am organised and know what I am doing all the time, I feel horrible that she is under this impression. I had to learn everything step by step just like she will-but I asked when needed help AND I still struggle. I am still learning! So why did she think this? The answer is because of poor communication and mentoring. New Teachers should have to get together and help each out in the first few years of teaching to prevent being overwhelmed. I was lucky to have an amazing old Mentor teacher who would help me in my first year, but still, it would've been better to speak to others my age who were feeling and experiencing the same things I was at that time.
  4. I may have been able to advance quickly in my career because of all the things I did-but I did not/still do not have much of a social life and I often question whether I have prioritised the right things.
So I sat down with her and we had a chat after this, but I still over-think the above points.

Positive over thinking conclusion: We spend the majority of our lives at work-so why not do a job you love? I love teaching (probably why I dedicate so much to it) but is it all I want to do? Definitely not. I have always wanted to be known for my singing-not teaching, but while I get to my other dreams, why do a job you dislike in the meantime? I guess I am just lucky that my 'back-up' profession just happens to be something that I love just as much as my dreams. For the new teachers out there who are struggling and who LOVE what you do-SPEAK TO SOMEONE! We have all been there-do not suffer in silence. Do NOT get to a point where you find yourself hating doing what you love. Keep being enthusiastic because you are one in a million! DO NOT become one of the whingers. I am going to ensure that I get back to my 'Work-Free Saturdays' as I need to re-balance-consider doing this also. Set an alarm per night to ensure you don't check work emails after a certain time and just make sure that YOU are coping, because if you are not, you will not be able to give your students the best educational environment they deserve and need to thrive.

My favourite tips to stay inspired:
12 Tips On Staying Inspired 

Keep being enthusiastic-have a life-and help each other. You CAN do it. 3 weeks until Christmas Holidays!

The Green Eyed Girl xox

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