Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Me, Myself and the Drama (teaching) that is life!

An Intro to 'Me'

When reading the title above, I guess it would be pretty easy to assume that this is going to be a typical blog about melodramatic life events of someone who makes, creates, and lives drama purely for the fun of it. If you are in-fact after a blog of such substance and thrilling adventures, then turn away now because this is clearly not for you. 

The 'drama' that exists in my life is not something that I desire or go looking for, it is simply just unavoidable. If you have seen 'The Truman Show' then you will be able to understand where I am coming from when I say that I believe my life could seriously be a giant soap opera, however, no thrilling 'Brooke Logan' romantic story-lines seem to hold any prime-time place in this TV shows time-slot.

So we have established I am no 'Brooke Logan' and as much as I would love to be, I am no 'Carrie Bradshaw' - so who exactly am I? I am sitting on my balcony trying to think of what character I could liken myself to on TV and I'm struggling to find a reasonable substitute (considering how much I love television, this is pretty concerning lol). 
My character would be a combination of these:
  • 'Mr G' from Summer Heights High
  • 'The Doctor' Obviously the 11th incarnation by Matt Smith from 'Doctor Who'
  •  'Grace Adler' from Will and Grace
  • 'Miranda Hobbes' from Sex and the City
  • and 'Fat Amy' from Pitch Perfect.
BUT there is still something missing and it's really important.

'Too many people undervalue what they are, and overvalue what they are not.'

I am a terrible over-thinker and spend an enormous amount of time undervaluing myself by over-thinking small things, instead of focusing on the important. Mostly in my job it can be handy (in the classroom dealing with different situations in my main teaching subject of Drama) but outside the theatre and the music room-it's crap. I am writing this blog because I hope it will help me get out of my head and onto the page. 

So yeah, I am a Drama Teacher. I love my job and many say I work too hard at it-but so what if I do? I love that feeling of seeing a room of students become inspired and confident in themselves and their education. I hated High School growing up because I felt no teachers gave a crap about me, so if I can be the teacher that makes that one who has a crappy life at home feel like they are important, then I am happy.

Hold up-I'm now over-thinking that...

I re-read that paragraph and begin to ponder...yes that is 100% true about my students. They are my world, but is that why I invest so much time into them? Other than my work, I don't have much else going on in my life. I am single, slowly improving my body image (bit of a weighty issue there), and pathetically lonely. When I am not doing work for school, I am checking emails, annoying someone dear to me with constant messaging, or creating new projects I can do at school to distract me from my lack of a 'social life'. So I ask, does all of this contribute to my love for the job? Every 50mins at high school I am surrounding myself with people who I can talk and laugh with about subjects that interest me (and I hope I can make interest them)! Are they simply just the distraction from my loneliness? 

On that note though (I found this a little hilarious), about 20mins ago 3 year 10 girls from Drama were calling out to me from my balcony (6 stories up!) asking my to come and join them for coffee. Seriously, who does that? lol I would never have asked a teacher out to coffee when I was their age-but I have to admit-I was incredibly flattered. It was the first time all afternoon that I genuinely smiled. AND THEN because I said no, the girls decided to show me what they just bought at the shops! So here they are, 3 beautiful year 10 students, yelling at the top of their lungs and waving their undies, bras, and clothes out of their many shopping bags to show me their amazing shopping bargains in front of heaps of people enjoying their afternoon coffee's and Thursday night shopping in the entire town center lol. Giggling I think to myself 'How many other high school teachers have experienced something like that? 

Positive over-thinking conclusion: How lucky am I that me, a simple drama teacher, was important enough to these teenagers that they felt the need to make a big deal out of me in front of heaps of people? The answer, pretty damn lucky. :P

So on that note I leave you, not for long as I feel this blog has been a little bit of a downer (don't worry-I definitely am not like this all the time haha) but if you are wanting to hear about random dramatic stories from a boring lonely drama teacher, then come back soon-as I guarantee this character is too complex to be featured in any storyline you will find on TV. Join me as a regular and learn with me to place 'value' on what is important by slowly erasing the 'unimportant' thoughts we think, and creative a confident, happy, self.

The Green Eyed Girl xox

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